Continuous beta-binomial distribution

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Package: cbbinom 0.1.0
Author: Xiurui Zhu
Modified: 2024-08-27 22:39:45
Compiled: 2024-08-27 22:39:50

The goal of cbbinom is to implement continuous beta-binomial distribution.


You can install the released version of cbbinom from CRAN with:


Alternatively, you can install the developmental version of cbbinom from github with:


Examples of continuous beta-binomial distribution

The continuous beta-binomial distribution spreads the standard probability mass of beta-binomial distribution at x to an interval [x, x + 1] in a continuous manner. This can be validated via the following plot, where we can see that the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the continuous beta-binomial distribution at x + 1 equals to that of the beta-binomial distribution at x.

# The continuous beta-binomial CDF, shift by -1
cbbinom_plot_x <- seq(-1, 10, 0.01)
cbbinom_plot_y <- pcbbinom(
  q = cbbinom_plot_x,
  size = 10L,
  alpha = 2,
  beta = 4,
  ncp = -1
# The beta-binomial CDF
bbinom_plot_x <- seq(0L, 10L, 1L)
bbinom_plot_y <- extraDistr::pbbinom(
  q = bbinom_plot_x,
  size = 10L,
  alpha = 2,
  beta = 4
ggplot2::ggplot(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    data = data.frame(
      x = bbinom_plot_x,
      y = bbinom_plot_y
    stat = "identity"
  ) +
    data = data.frame(
      x = cbbinom_plot_x,
      y = cbbinom_plot_y
  ) +
    n.breaks = diff(range(cbbinom_plot_x))
  ) +
  ggplot2::theme_bw() +
  ggplot2::labs(y = "CDF(x)")

As the probability distributions in stats package, cbbinom provides a full set of density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the continuous beta-binomial distribution.

# Density function
dcbbinom(x = 5, size = 10, alpha = 2, beta = 4)
#> [1] 0.4761784
# Distribution function
(test_val <- pcbbinom(q = 5, size = 10, alpha = 2, beta = 4))
#> [1] 0.7062937
# Quantile function
qcbbinom(p = test_val, size = 10, alpha = 2, beta = 4)
#> [1] 5
# Random generation
rcbbinom(n = 10L, size = 10, alpha = 2, beta = 4)
#>  [1] 3.358800 3.038155 7.110413 1.311272 5.264337 8.709327 6.721018 1.164173
#>  [9] 3.868141 1.332541

For mathematical details, please check the details section of ?cbbinom.

Rcpp implementation of stats::uniroot()

As a bonus, cbbinom also exports an Rcpp implementation of stats::uniroot() function, which may come in handy to solve equations, especially the monotonic ones used in quantile functions. Here is an example to calculate qnorm from pnorm in Rcpp.

#include <iostream>
#include "cbbinom.h"
using namespace cbbinom;

// Define a functor as pnorm() - p
class PnormEqn: public UnirootEqn
  double mu;
  double sd;
  double p;
  PnormEqn(const double mu_, const double sd_, const double p_):
    mu(mu_), sd(sd_), p(p_) {}
  double operator () (const double& x) const override {
    return R::pnorm(x, this->mu, this->sd, true, false) - this->p;

// Compute quantiles
int main() {
  double p = 0.975;  // Quantile
  PnormEqn eqn_obj(0.0, 1.0, 0.975);
  double tol = 1e-6;
  int max_iter = 10000;
  double q = cbbinom::cpp_uniroot(-1000.0, 1000.0, -p, 1.0 - p, &eqn_obj, &tol, &max_iter);
  std::cout << "Quantile at " << p << "is: " << q << std::endl;
  return 0;