Introduction to folda

The folda package is an R modeling tool designed for fitting Forward Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Uncorrelated Linear Discriminant Analysis (ULDA). If you’re unfamiliar with stepwise LDA or ULDA, please refer to the following resources:

Why use the folda package?

If you’ve ever been frustrated by the warnings and errors from MASS::lda(), you will appreciate the ULDA implementation in folda(). It offers several key improvements:

For the forward LDA implementation, folda offers the following advantages over the classical framework:

Basic Usage of folda

mpg <- # Prepare the data
datX <- mpg[, -5] # All predictors without Y
response <- mpg[, 5] # we try to predict "cyl" (number of cylinders)

Build a ULDA model with all variables:

fit <- folda(datX = datX, response = response, subsetMethod = "all")

Build a ULDA model with forward selection via Pillai’s trace:

fit <- folda(datX = datX, response = response, subsetMethod = "forward", testStat = "Pillai")
print(fit) # 6 out of 11 variables are selected, displ is the most important among them
#> Overall Pillai's trace: 1.325
#> Associated p-value: 4.636e-74
#> Prediction Results on Training Data:
#> Refitting Accuracy: 0.9188
#> Gini Index: 0.7004
#> Confusion Matrix:
#>          Actual
#> Predicted  4  5  6  8
#>         4 69  0  3  0
#>         5  8  4  2  0
#>         6  4  0 74  2
#>         8  0  0  0 68
#> Group means of LD scores:
#>           LD1         LD2        LD3
#> 4  3.05298379  0.02700248 -0.3555829
#> 5  1.87744449 -4.45014946  0.8156167
#> 6  0.06757888  0.28356907  0.5911862
#> 8 -3.71628852 -0.09697943 -0.3023424
#> Forward Selection Results:
#>                var statOverall   statDiff  threshold
#> 1            displ    0.873393 0.87339300 0.06545381
#> 2  modelnew beetle    1.029931 0.15653777 0.05673510
#> 3       modeljetta    1.141651 0.11172064 0.05496185
#> 4 modelcaravan 2wd    1.210165 0.06851331 0.05363507
#> 5     classmidsize    1.263449 0.05328468 0.05276500
#> 6              cty    1.325255 0.06180560 0.05194279

Plot the results:

plot(fit, datX = datX, response = response)

Make predictions:

head(predict(fit, datX, type = "response"))
#> [1] "4" "4" "4" "4" "6" "4"
head(predict(fit, datX, type = "prob")) # Posterior probabilities
#>           4            5            6            8
#> 1 0.9966769 7.475058e-08 0.0033230408 7.023764e-12
#> 2 0.9994438 1.401133e-08 0.0005562131 5.338710e-13
#> 3 0.9970911 3.835722e-08 0.0029088506 1.738154e-11
#> 4 0.9983963 2.196016e-08 0.0016037009 7.365641e-12
#> 5 0.3122116 6.809673e-07 0.6877815595 6.173116e-06
#> 6 0.5995781 4.275271e-07 0.4004193019 2.123291e-06

Comparison of Pillai’s Trace and Wilks’ Lambda

Here, we compare their performances in a scenario where one group of classes is perfectly separable from another, a condition under which Wilks’ Lambda performs poorly. Now let’s predict the model of the car.

fitW <- folda(mpg[, -2], mpg[, 2], testStat = "Wilks")
#>                var statOverall statDiff threshold
#> 1 manufactureraudi           0        0 0.7338759

Wilks’ Lambda only selects manufacturer-audi, since it can separate a4, a4 quattro, and a6 quattro from other models. However, it unexpectedly stops since the Wilks’ Lambda = 0, leading to a refitting accuracy of 0.0812.

fitP <- folda(mpg[, -2], mpg[, 2], testStat = "Pillai")
#>                       var statOverall  statDiff threshold
#> 1   manufacturerchevrolet     1.00000 1.0000000 0.2654136
#> 2     manufacturerpontiac     2.00000 1.0000000 0.2599086
#> 3             classpickup     3.00000 1.0000000 0.2543730
#> 4       manufacturerdodge     4.00000 1.0000000 0.2488055
#> 5        manufacturerford     5.00000 1.0000000 0.2432051
#> 6       manufacturerhonda     6.00000 1.0000000 0.2375706
#> 7     manufacturerhyundai     7.00000 1.0000000 0.2319008
#> 8        manufacturerjeep     8.00000 1.0000000 0.2261943
#> 9        manufactureraudi     9.00000 1.0000000 0.2204496
#> 10 manufacturerland rover    10.00000 1.0000000 0.2146652
#> 11    manufacturerlincoln    11.00000 1.0000000 0.2088394
#> 12    manufacturermercury    12.00000 1.0000000 0.2029702
#> 13     manufacturernissan    13.00000 1.0000000 0.1970556
#> 14     manufacturersubaru    14.00000 1.0000000 0.1910933
#> 15     manufacturertoyota    15.00000 1.0000000 0.1850810
#> 16                   drvf    16.00000 1.0000000 0.1790159
#> 17                   drvr    17.00000 1.0000000 0.1723677
#> 18               classsuv    18.00000 1.0000000 0.1661696
#> 19           classminivan    19.00000 1.0000000 0.1599071
#> 20           classmidsize    19.93159 0.9315947 0.1535761
#> 21        classsubcompact    20.74392 0.8123229 0.1475693
#> 22           classcompact    21.71027 0.9663480 0.1421899
#> 23                  displ    21.96954 0.2592742 0.1358348
#> 24          transauto(s5)    22.16831 0.1987676 0.1335988
#> 25                    cty    22.35530 0.1869879 0.1316772
#> 26                    flp    22.52155 0.1662562 0.1297761

On the other hand, Pillai’s trace selects 26 variables in total and the refitting accuracy is 0.9231. Additionally, MASS::lda() would throw an error in this scenario due to the “constant within groups” issue.

# MASS::lda(model~., data = mpg)

#> Error in lda.default(x, grouping, ...) : 
#>   variables  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 27 28 37 38 40 appear to be constant within groups

Handling Missing Values

The default method to handle missing values are c(medianFlag, newLevel). It means that for numerical variables, missing values are imputed with the median, while for categorical variables, a new level is assigned to represent missing values. Additionally, for numerical variables, we generate missing value indicators to flag which observations had missing data.

Two key functions involved in this process are missingFix() and getDataInShape():

# Create a dataset with missing values
(datNA <- data.frame(X1 = rep(NA, 5), # All values are NA
                     X2 = factor(rep(NA, 5), levels = LETTERS[1:3]), # Factor with all NA values
                     X3 = 1:5, # Numeric column with no missing values
                     X4 = LETTERS[1:5], # Character column
                     X5 = c(NA, 2, 3, 10, NA), # Numeric column with missing values
                     X6 = factor(c("A", NA, NA, "B", "B"), levels = LETTERS[1:3]))) # Factor with missing values
#>   X1   X2 X3 X4 X5   X6
#> 1 NA <NA>  1  A NA    A
#> 2 NA <NA>  2  B  2 <NA>
#> 3 NA <NA>  3  C  3 <NA>
#> 4 NA <NA>  4  D 10    B
#> 5 NA <NA>  5  E NA    B

Impute missing values and create a missing reference:

(imputedSummary <- missingFix(datNA))
#> $data
#>   X3 X4 X5          X6 X5_FLAG
#> 1  1  A  3           A       1
#> 2  2  B  2 new0_0Level       0
#> 3  3  C  3 new0_0Level       0
#> 4  4  D 10           B       0
#> 5  5  E  3           B       1
#> $ref
#>   X3 X4 X5          X6 X5_FLAG
#> 1  3  A  3 new0_0Level       1

X1 and X2 are removed because they are constant (i.e., all values are NA). X3 and X4 remain unchanged. X5 is imputed with the median (3), and a new column X5_FLAG is added to indicate missing values. X6 is imputed with a new level ‘new0_0Level’.

Now, let’s create a new dataset for imputation.

(datNAnew <- data.frame(X1 = 1:3, # New column not in the reference
                        X3 = 1:3, # Matching column with no NAs
                        X4 = as.factor(c("E", "F", NA)), # Factor with a new level "F" and missing values
                        X5 = c(NA, 2, 3))) # Numeric column with a missing value
#>   X1 X3   X4 X5
#> 1  1  1    E NA
#> 2  2  2    F  2
#> 3  3  3 <NA>  3

Apply the missing reference to the new dataset:

getDataInShape(datNAnew, imputedSummary$ref)
#>   X3 X4 X5          X6 X5_FLAG
#> 1  1  E  3 new0_0Level       1
#> 2  2  A  2 new0_0Level       0
#> 3  3  A  3 new0_0Level       0

X1 is removed because it does not exist in the missing reference. X3 remains unchanged. “F” is a new level in X4, so it is removed and imputed with “A” (the most frequent level) along with other missing values. X5 is imputed, and a new column X5_FLAG is added to indicate missing values. X6 is missing from the new data, so it is initialized with the level “new0_0Level”.

Next, we show an example using folda with the airquality dataset. First, let’s check which columns in airquality have missing values:

sapply(airquality, anyNA) # Ozone and Solar.R have NAs
#>   Ozone Solar.R    Wind    Temp   Month     Day 

Our response variable is the 5th column (Month):

fitAir <- folda(airquality[, -5], airquality[, 5])

The generated missing reference is:

#>   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Day Ozone_FLAG Solar.R_FLAG
#> 1  31.5     205  9.7   79  16          1            1

To make prediction:

predict(fitAir, data.frame(rep(NA, 4)))
#> [1] "6" "6" "6" "6"

Notice that no issues arise during predicting, even when the new data contains nothing but missing values.

Additional Features

The iris dataset is a famous dataset with three species of flowers:

table(iris$Species, dnn = NULL)
#>     setosa versicolor  virginica 
#>         50         50         50

Suppose misclassifying versicolor into other species is very costly. A potential misclassification cost matrix might look like this:

misClassCost <- matrix(c(0, 100, 1,
                         1, 0, 1,
                         1, 100, 0), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)

This means that misclassifying versicolor to other species is 100 times more severe than misclassifying other species to versicolor. First, let’s fit the model with equal misclassification costs and specified misclassification costs:

fitEqualCost <- folda(iris[, -5], response = iris[, 5])
fitNewCost <- folda(iris[, -5], response = iris[, 5], misClassCost = misClassCost)

The prediction distributions with equal misclassification costs:

table(predict(fitEqualCost, iris), dnn = NULL)
#>     setosa versicolor  virginica 
#>         50         49         51

The prediction distributions with specified misclassification costs:

table(predict(fitNewCost, iris), dnn = NULL)
#>     setosa versicolor  virginica 
#>         50         63         37

As shown, the model tends to predict versicolor more often due to the higher misclassification cost associated with predicting it incorrectly.
