
R data package that contains Irucka Embry’s miscellaneous data sets:

Installation of iemiscdata from CRAN



With credit due to the matlab package, for a complete list of functions and the package DESCRIPTION file, use:

library(help = "iemiscdata")

Vignette Viewing

If you wish to browse the iemiscdata Vignettes, please copy-and-paste the following code into R:



Package Contents

This package currently contains 96 data sets:

Examples (see more examples in the vignettes)

install.load::load_package("iemisc", "iemiscdata", "round")
# load needed packages using the load_package function from the install.load
# package (it is assumed that you have already installed these packages)

# Example 1

# Future value given present value
FgivenP(8330, 6, 10, frequency = "annual") # the interest rate is 10%

# or

P <- 8330
P * i10[n == 6, "F/P"][[1]]
# use i10 for the 10 percent effective interest table values
# n == 6 is the row number
# "F/P" provides the column number in a data.table
# [[1]] provides a vector result

FgivenP(8330, 6, 10, frequency = "annual") == round_r3(P * i10[n == 6, "F/P"][[1]], d = 1)
# [1] TRUE

# Example 2

# Future value given annual value with continuously compounded interest
FgivenAcont(4500, 5, 20) # 20% interest

# or

F <- 4500 
F * r20[n == 5, "F/A"][[1]]
# use r20 for the 20 percent nominal interest table values
# n == 5 is the row number
# "F/A" provides the column number in a data.table
# [[1]] provides a vector result

FgivenAcont(4500, 5, 20) == round_r3(F * r20[n == 5, "F/A"][[1]], d = 2)
# [1] TRUE


This software is provided “AS IS”. See the GPL License for more information.


iemiscdata is distributed under the GPL-3 (or later) license, as stated in the DESCRIPTION file. For more info, see the GNU General Public License (GPL) page.

Donations Accepted

If you want to support the continued development of this and my other R packages, feel free to: