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RFC Editor

The RFC Editor function comprises a set of parts that together manage the editing, publishing, and archiving of RFCs, and the policies around this.

The parts that make up the RFC Editor function and their roles, are defined in RFC 9280. This is version 3 of a model that has evolved significantly over the years. For more information on RFCs see About RFCs.

RFC Production Center (RPC)

The RFC Production Center (RPC) is a team of professional editors that prepares and publishes RFCs. Once Internet-Drafts are approved by the various streams, the editors format and edit the documents, and then work with the authors to produce publication-ready RFCs in compliance with defined policies and guidelines.

RFC Series Working Group (RSWG)

The RFC Series Working Group (RSWG) is an open working group that generates policy proposals for the RFC Series. All interested parties are welcome to participate in policy development on the RWSG mailing list. Adopted policies are published as RFCs on the Editorial Stream.

RFC Series Approval Board (RSAB)

The RFC Series Approval Board (RSAB) is an appointed body that approves proposals generated by the RFC Series Working Group (RSWG) for publication in the Editorial Stream. They provide “checks and balances” for the output of the RSWG as well as consider the long-term health of their stream and the RFC Series. The RSAB includes the following:

  • representatives from each stream
  • the RFC Series Consulting Editor (RSCE)
  • the IETF LLC Director (ex officio)
  • the RPC Director (ex officio)

RFC Series Consulting Editor (RSCE)

The RFC Series Consulting Editor (RSCE) is a senior technical publishing professional that provides expert advice to the RFC Production Center (RPC) and RSAB on how to implement established policies on an ongoing and operational basis. This includes raising support or concerns for proposed policy updates and initiating proposed policy changes within the RSWG.