Internet Engineering Steering Group
The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for technical management of IETF activities and the Internet standards process.
The IESG administers the process according to the rules and procedures that have been ratified by the Internet Society trustees [RFC 2026]. It is directly responsible for the actions associated with entry into and movement along the Internet "standards track," including final approval of specifications as Internet Standards.
The IESG consists of the Area Directors (ADs) who are selected by the Nominations Committee (NomCom) and are appointed for two years. The process for choosing the members of the IESG is detailed in RFC 7437, "IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees."
Members | Areas | Directorates & Review Teams | Process Experiments | IESG Wiki | IESG Conflict of Interest Policy
Agenda | Documents on Future IESG Telechat Agendas | IESG Meeting Minutes | .ics Calendar of IESG Teleconferences | Webex Link
IESG statements provide guidance and clarification to the IETF community about various aspects of the IETF standards process.
Role of the IESG | How An AD Ballots | Announcements | Implementation Reports | Informational vs. Experimental Status | Document Shepherding | Document Shepherd Write-Up Template for Individual Documents | Document Shepherd Write-Up Template for WG Documents
Appeals Process (RFC 2026 section 6.5) | Appeals to IESG | Appeals to IAB | IESG Statement On Appeals | List of PR-Actions