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IETF Administration LLC Board of Directors Succession Planning Update

25 Jun 2024

As part of its recent annual strategic planning retreat, and anticipating the departure next year of several original members currently serving in the roles of Board Chair and Treasurer, the IETF Administration LLC Board established a formal transition plan to ensure a smooth succession.

In March 2025 we will lose our current Board Chair, myself, and Treasurer, Sean Turner, due to term limitations. Given that I and Sean have served in these roles since the first full LLC Board, the board decided that a more defined transition plan was necessary to ensure sufficient time for knowledge transfer and overall organizational continuity. To that end, and in particular to ensure a smooth succession for the roles of Board Chair and Treasurer, the LLC Board has defined a formal period of transition, and also established the roles of the Vice Chair and Vice Treasurer to support knowledge transfer. 

In the first phase, currently underway and running through December 31, 2024, I will continue as Board Chair and Mirjam Kühne will serve as Board Vice Chair. In addition, Sean Turner will continue as Treasurer and Shauna Turner will serve as Vice Treasurer.  On January 1, 2025 and until IETF 122 in March 2025, the position roles will swap, with Mirjam Kühne becoming Board Chair and me transitioning to Board Vice Chair, and Shauna Turner becoming Treasurer and Sean Turner transitioning to Vice Treasurer.

The Board is confident this plan will ensure an orderly transition as Sean and I conclude our terms of service to the IETF LLC.

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