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IETF Hackathon Bangkok

At IETF Hackathons developers and implementers discuss, collaborate, and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards.

When: November 3rd and 4th, 2018
Where: Mariott Marquis Queen's Park
Room: Sala Thai Ballroom
Keep up to date by subscribing to the mail list.

The Hackathon attendee page is available here!

Check out the Hackathon Wiki!

The Hackathon is free to attend and open to everyone. It is a collaborative event, not a competition. Any competition is friendly and in the spirit of advancing the pace and relevance of new and evolving internet standards.

Hackathon Co-Chairs:
Charles Eckel, Cisco & Barry Leiba, Huawei

Watch the project presentations from the IETF 103 Hackathon in Bangkok

Support provided by

Cisco Devnet
NBC Universal

Technologies and Champions

Champions are individuals familiar with a given technology who have volunteered to help get others get up and running with that technology.

Champions should:

Additional champions for new or existing technologies are welcome at any time, send to

Technologies from past hackathon include DNS, HTTP 2.0, NETVC, OpenDaylight, ONAP, VPP/, RiOT, SFC, TLS 1.3, WebRTC, YANG/NETCONF/RESTCONF. Details on all planned technologies will be listed on the IETF 103 Meeting Wiki.

Don’t see anything that interests you? Then add your preferred technology to the list, sign up as its champion and show up to work on it. Note: you must login to the wiki to add content. If you do add a new technology, we strongly suggest that you send email to the to let others know. You may generate interest in your technology, and find other people who want to contribute to it.

To request a wiki account, please click on the “login” button on the bottom right corner of the page, and choose “register.” If you need a new password please click on the “login” button on the bottom right corner of the page and choose “Send new password.”

Read what happened at the IETF Hackathon in Montreal.

Next IETF Hackathon

The IETF 121 Hackathon will be held Online and in Dublin.

Register for the next IETF Hackathon!