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IETF Administration LLC 2022 Budget

2 Feb 2022

The IETF Administration LLC has finalised its 2022 budget following a community consultation.

NOTE: When this blog post was first published, there was a formula error in the summary giving an incorrect figure for meeting expenses and net income. This has now been corrected and a corrected budget uploaded.

In November 2021 the IETF Administration LLC published a draft of its 2022 budget along with a detailed narrative for community feedback.  In developing this budget the LLC continues to give careful consideration to each budget request as well as the needs of the community as a whole. The IETF Administration LLC 2022 Budget has now been finalised and approved by the LLC Board. It contains the following sections:

  1. Budget
  2. Meeting Budget
  3. Chart of Accounts

Key Assumptions

  • ISOC contribution as per our agreement
  • IETF 113 will go ahead with 500 onsite participants, IETF 114 and IETF 115 will go ahead as in-person meetings with 1000 participants.  All meetings will have a fee for remote participants.
  • All strategic retreats etc will go ahead.
  • Air travel costs will be at 50% above pre-COVID levels.
  • The RFC Editor Future Program will conclude as expected and an RCSE will be appointed
  • Investments increase 5% over the year (up from 4% in 2021)
  • 4% inflation reflected in staff and some admin costs (up from 2% in 2021)


2022 Budget 2021 Budget Variance
Non-Meeting Revenue $ 9,074,098 $7,489,940 $ 1,584,158
Meeting Revenue $ 3,934,315 $ 3,104,437 $ 829,878
TOTAL REVENUE $ 13,008,413 $ 10,594,377 $ 2,414,036
Operating Expenses $ 5,692,400 $ 5,642,035 $ 50,365
Meeting Expenses $ 4,287,606 $ 3,347,792 $ 939,814
TOTAL EXPENSES $ 9,980,007 $ 8,989,827 $ 880,180
NET INCOME $ 3,028,406 $ 1,604,550 $ 1,423,856
Capital Expenditure $ 573,039 $ 585,000 $ (11,961)
NET INCOME AFTER CAPITAL $ 2,455,367 $ 1,019,550 $ 1,435,818

Key Changes from Draft 2022 Budget

  • General
    • Budget assumption for IETF 113 lowered to 500 onsite participants from 650 due to the current Omicron wave.
    • Inflationary increase in a number of key contracts
  • Fundraising
    • Corrects an error where no figure was shown for ISOC matched funding in 2022.   Figure now shown and based on actual figures for 2021 endowment contributions ($250k raised instead of $500k budget giving $500,000 matched funding instead of $1,000,000).
  • Meetings
    • Used actual contract figures for IETF 113 Vienna (deficit of $274,215 instead of $242,009) and IETF 115 London (surplus of $107,596 instead of $92,786)

Key Changes from 2021 Budget

Budget changes

  • General
    • Inflation has been applied at a rate of 4% while it currently stands in the US at 5.3%, in anticipation of Federal Reserve action to reduce it.  
  • Fundraising
    • The budget for fundraising for external funds into the endowment has been raised from $0.5m to $1m in line with the plan even though that may be premature.
    • The budget for ISOC funds into the endowment is based on the 2021 budget of us raising $0.5m in 2021.  Current donations are running approximately $250,000 lower than that and if that situation does not change then the budget for next year will need to be reduced by $500,000 to account for the loss of 2:1 match funds.
  • Meetings:
    • Assumes all three IETF meetings will go ahead in-person with reduced numbers
    • Assumes fee for remote participation paid by 250 people per meeting
    • Childcare costs only for last two meetings in 2022
    • Estimating much higher travel costs throughout 2022.
  • Administration:
    • Budget for Director of Development increased to provide for a CRM system and small events for potential donors..
    • Inflation has been applied to a number of items
  • Community leadership
    • New budget for EMODIR Support, covering the development, production and distribution of materials (documentation, videos, and other collateral).  This is more than offset by a reduction in the Comms budget.
    • The IETF Trust budget has increased.
  • RSE and RPC
    • The costs for the new RSCE have been added including recruitment costs.
  • Tools:
    • New contract for a  project manager to plan a complete rewrite of RPC tools.
    • New DBA services contract.
    • Old contracts now removed.
    • More accurate cost for new developers.
    • Net increase in cost for Tools across both Opex and Capex of approximately $340,000.

Presentation changes

  • Major changes to capex presentation
    • Split capex between Tools and Other
    • Included a negative capitalisation adjustment line under tools opex to forecast the tools expense that is capitalised at the end of the year.  This also allows for a reader to correctly estimate total tools expenditure.
    • Tools tab simplified to show capex/opex split for each line.
  • Split LLC staff costs between Administration and Tools to correctly show tools spend.
  • Travel page tidied up to reduce hard coded values
  • New EMODIR Support line under Community Leadership


Our reserves are invested with one fund manager in four separate portfolios, each with a different risk and investment profile.  These portfolios and their value as of 31 December 2021 are 

  • Continuity and Operations $5,415,474
  • Board Designated Reserve $10,991,993
  • Restricted Endowment $3,956,124
  • Business Opportunities $567,733

We are planning to produce full reserve forecasts for our next budget (FY 2023) following the introduction of a new financial system in 2022 that will significantly improve our operational forecasting and therefore the level of any surplus that may be safely added to reserves while leaving sufficient cash at hand.

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