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Update on the IT Infrastructure Transition Project

12 Jan 2024

Begun in the last quarter of 2023, work is underway to define and deploy a new, cloud-based infrastructure approach for services that support the work of the IETF, and to move those services onto the new infrastructure.

The transition to the new infrastructure is underway. Services will be transitioning in stages over the next several weeks. Author Tools will be the first services served from the new production infrastructure. It is already passing functional and load tests in staging. YANG Catalog has been redeployed into a maintenance environment where we are working out issues with initializing new instances. Its transition to the new infrastructure will be finalized when those are resolved.

The IETF mailing lists will transition to Mailman 3 in the next few weeks on the existing deployment, as an incremental step before moving the mailing lists into the cloud-based infrastructure. The Mailman 3 migration will not disrupt list traffic—all lists and subscriptions will carry forward. The web interface for individual subscription management, and list management and moderation will change to use Postorius. For this interface, there will be a step at first login where the user will have to prove the ability to receive mail at the address that they used to log in, and at that point a new password will be established. Examples of what this looks like are available via the Python and Mailman lists themselves.

The IETF mail archives will not change. The archives will remain at We will not be using Mailman 3’s archiving interface (HyperKitty).

Other services expected to transition to the new infrastructure soon include and our Matomo-based analytics. Most transitions will have at most a short outage while final production data synchronization completes. Updates will be sent to the list as each service moves.

We will be taking care to schedule transitions in a way that minimizes disruption to ongoing IETF interim meetings and will be making allowances for the periods around the scheduling and I-D submission deadlines for the IETF 119 Brisbane meeting (16-22 March 2024). 

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